

64 Stories by insunance

Is Circumcision Covered by Insurance?  Let’s Find Out!

Some religions and cultures in this world still practice circumcision. Moreover, circumcision is also done for medical reasons. Circumcision can be done with a...
1 min read

Does Insurance Cover Dermatology? Find The Answer Here!

Everyone wants to have healthy skin. This condition means a lot because glowing skin can boost your confidence. Apparently, you even do not need...
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Apartment Building Insurance: The Types You Ought to Have

Owning an apartment complex is profitable. However, its business has a potential to face various unwanted events: such as accidents, incidents and loss of...
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Absolute Liability Insurance Definition and Its Examples: Here They Are!

Insurance has a great role to avoid disadvantageous moments. However, there are many terms in the insurance policy that you must know. One of...
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Increasing Term Insurance: Basic Guide to Understanding About It

Term insurance covers you for a fixed period of time, usually 10 to 30 years. Most term insurance policies have a fixed term. However,...
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5 Types of Construction Insurance That You Must Have

Who will protect you in a risky business? Construction business, undoubtedly, will always face threats every single day. There are possibilities that unwanted events...
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A Basic Guide to Understanding Dentist Disability Insurance

A dentist is a highly specialized profession that requires years of training. It is also a career prone to failure. Like other jobs, dentists...
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Insurance Reserves: Definition and 5 Types You Should Know!

Insurance is important because it can cover unwanted things that could be happened in life. Unfortunately, you cannot predict any dangerous events. Therefore, having...
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Hail Damage Roof Insurance Claim? Worry Not, Take a Note on These!

Who does feel content to cover roof damage that may cost thousands of dollars? Extreme weather, such as hail, however, is unpredictable. It is...
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What is Certificate of Authority Insurance? Here is The Explanation

Most insurance companies should provide a certificate of authority (CA). Today, many people are often deceived by insurance companies. This is because we do...
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